ГДЗ Зошит Англійська мова 7 клас Мітчелл
Choose a or b.
1–b; 2–b; 3–a; 4–a; 5–b; 6–a; 7–b; 8–b.
1. The car accident was b. caused by the driver. He fell asleep at the wheel.
2. You can b. prevent getting sick by eating lots of fruit and exercising often.
3. Plastic, metal and glass are a. materials that can easily be recycled.
4. Be careful! You might a. harm yourself with that sharp knife.
5. I live in the city centre and there is always a lot of b. smog.
6. I love sitting on the beach and watching the a. waves.
7. If large businesses keep building factories, they will b. pollute air pollution.
8. When washing your hands, remember to b. rub them together with soap and water for more than 40 seconds.