ГДЗ Зошит Англійська мова 7 клас Мітчелл

F. Read the advertisements and write sentences with if or Unless and the verbs given, as in the example.
1. If you buy one pair of shoes, you'll get a discount on the second pair. 2. Unless you come to Willmington Zoo, you wont see baby giraffes. 3. If you win the race, you will receive a 150 pounds prize. 4. If you join karate, you will get first month free.
G. Read the text and write T for True or F for False.
1. All the climbers climbed to the top of the mountain. – True.
2. Jim Thorne and the other climbers got lost in the snowstorm. – False.
3. Jim Thorne said. 'It was easy to get to the campsite.’ – False.
4. Six of the climbers didn’t get to the campsite. – False.
5. Thorne and the others went back to find the missing climbers. – False.
1. If you buy one pair of shoes, you'll get a discount on the second pair. 2. Unless you come to Willmington Zoo, you wont see baby giraffes. 3. If you win the race, you will receive a 150 pounds prize. 4. If you join karate, you will get first month free.
G. Read the text and write T for True or F for False.
1. All the climbers climbed to the top of the mountain. – True.
2. Jim Thorne and the other climbers got lost in the snowstorm. – False.
3. Jim Thorne said. 'It was easy to get to the campsite.’ – False.
4. Six of the climbers didn’t get to the campsite. – False.
5. Thorne and the others went back to find the missing climbers. – False.