ГДЗ Зошит Англійська мова 7 клас Мітчелл
Complete the texts with the words in the boxes.
I’m Tim Jones, a reporter for Channel 10. Thank you for watching! In today's news, we have a huge (1) thunderstorm that hit the small town of Wishbone. Thankfully, all the local people are (2) alive and well. However, a tree (3) branch fell on the cinema building and (4) damaged the roof. A(n) (5) ambulance was just called and is on to the site, even though it seems like it isn't needed.
It’s time for you to make difference!
Are you tired of your old clothes and accessories? Do you want to throw them out. but something is stopping you?
Look no further! It's time to (6) recycle and reuse those old materials and make something new out of them. Just throw them in a (7) recycling bin and we can do the job for you! We've put them all around our town, so you can find them on your (8) way to school or work. Pass this (9) leaflet to your friends and family!