ГДЗ Зошит Англійська мова 7 клас Мітчелл
Choose a or b.
1–a; 2–b; 3–b; 4–a; 5–b; 6–a; 7–b.
1. All this rubbish a. comes from people who throw everything away. We need to recycle more. 2. Scientists have b. predicted that many coastal areas will flood more often in the future. 3. We didn’t enjoy our picnic at the park because it was b. cloudy. 4. Our school collected clothes and food to give to a. homeless people. 5. We must stop cutting down trees if we want to b. prevent habitat loss. 6. a. Acid rain can destroy plants and even buildings. 7. When I go to the city centre. I find it difficult to b. breathe because of the air pollution.