ГДЗ Зошит Англійська мова 7 клас Мітчелл
Choose a or b.
1–a; 2–b; 3–b; 4–a; 5–b; 6–b.
1. A: a. Could you help me?
B: Sure. What can I do for you?
2. A: Oh. no! I can't find my keys.
B: b. Give me a hand with this, please.
3. A: It’s difficult to do this jigsaw puzzle.
B: b. Would you like some help?
4. A: Are you washing the car? a. I need some help here.
B: Thank you!
5. A: Do you know how I can make the computer work?
B: b. Can I do something?
6. A: I can't carry this heavy box.
B: b. I'll give you a hand.