ГДЗ Зошит Англійська мова 7 клас Мітчелл
Complete the sentences with the words/phrases in the box.
1. I thought the scenery of the play looked beautiful. It was like a real forest! 2. I get stage fright when I’m in front of an audience. I just look at them and want to run. 3. Melanie wants to take part in the school play this year. 4. If you want more information about the new job, please look at the noticeboard outside the office. 5. I was planning to go to Italy this summer, but then I changed my mind. 6. All great actors say' acting is my life'. 7. Sandra has a new costume for the play. It's a blue dress and a big white hat. 8. Jason wanted to audition for the school play, but he couldn’t remember all his lines.