ГДЗ Зошит Англійська мова 7 клас Мітчелл
Choose a or b.
1–a; 2–b; 3–b; 4–b; 5–a; 6–b; 7–b; 8–a.
1. Fred taught a. him how to play chess by watching online videos. 2. The players introduced b. themselves to the new coach. 3. I made a new avatar, and it looks just like b. me. 4. You have to learn the lines by b. yourself. I can’t help you. 5. This tablet is a. mine, not Steve’s. 6. This computer game can save the level you are on by b. itself. 7. This phone isn’t David’s. b. His phone is on the table. 8. The boys need new laptops. a. Theirs laptops are too old.