ГДЗ Зошит Англійська мова 7 клас Мітчелл
Complete the dialogues with the sentences a–e.
1–d; 2–a; 3–e; 4–c; 5–b.
1. A: This maths problem is really hard. (1) d. I don’t get it. Can you help me? B: Of course. Let’s see. Did you see this here? A: Oh? No. I didn't. Hmm... hang on! (2) a. I’ve got it! Is this it? B: Yes, it is! (3) e. Good job! 2. A: Our flight leaves in about three hours. (4) c. Hurry up! B: OK. OKI Oh. no! I can’t find the tickets. Where are they? A: Maybe they're in your bag. B: (5) b. I don’t think so. Wait a minute. They are here! OK. Let’s go!