ГДЗ Зошит Англійська мова 7 клас Мітчелл
Choose a, b or c.
1–c; 2–b; 3–a; 4–b; 5–a; 6–b; 7–a.
1. At the end of the play, the actors and actresses thanked the c. audience. 2. Jesse is famous because she won first prize in a b. talent show. a. weather forecast b. talent show c. soap opera 3. Both Sara and Anna got a a. part in the school play. 4. You can find a list of available activities on the school b. noticeboard. 5. I a. changed my mind and decided not to buy a new computer. 6. The b. concert was great. Everyone loved the music! 7. The a. graphics in this game are really realistic.