
ГДЗ зошит тести Англійська мова 7 клас Карпюк

ГДЗ зошит тести Англійська мова 7 клас Карпюк

4. Listen to the recipe twice and put the sentences into the correct order.
1. Prepare 1/2 watermelon, 1 cucumber, 1 red onion, 80 g of vinegar, Feta cheese and salt (to taste). 2. Dice the watermelon. 3. Pour its juice into a glass. 4. Put the diced pieces into a bowl. 5. Also dice the cucumber. 6. Chop the onion. 7. Put all that into the bowl with the diced watermelon. 8. Add some salt. 9. Pour the watermelon juice and the vinegar into the bowl. 10. Stir everything with a tablespoon. Enjoy!