ГДЗ зошит тести Англійська мова 7 клас Карпюк
1. Turn the sentences into wh–questions, as in the example.
1. Ed has cooked me lunch. What has Ed cooked me? 2. You have made a mess. What have you made? 3. Tom has put the vegetables in the fridge. What has Tom put in the fridge? 4. Sarah has baked some biscuits. What has Sarah baked? 5. They have just served dinner. What have they just served? 6. I have used this knife. What have I used? 7. Sam has washed the dishes. What has Sam washed? 8. The microwave has turned off. What has the microwave turned off? 9. We have done it because of you. Why have we done it?
1. Turn the sentences into wh–questions, as in the example.
1. Ed has cooked me lunch. What has Ed cooked me? 2. You have made a mess. What have you made? 3. Tom has put the vegetables in the fridge. What has Tom put in the fridge? 4. Sarah has baked some biscuits. What has Sarah baked? 5. They have just served dinner. What have they just served? 6. I have used this knife. What have I used? 7. Sam has washed the dishes. What has Sam washed? 8. The microwave has turned off. What has the microwave turned off? 9. We have done it because of you. Why have we done it?