ГДЗ зошит тести Англійська мова 7 клас Карпюк
3. Read the blog and finish the sentences.
1. National cuisine is both a style of cooking and traditional food. 2. In China, people have noodles. 3. Tom is from the United Kingdom. 4. There is no British cuisine because it includes dishes from various countries. 5. British people often eat beefsteak, fish and chips, and pudding. 6. Habits and traditions of the Brits include using a fork and knife and drinking tea with milk. 7. Tom believes manners matter more than food for politeness.
1. National cuisine is both a style of cooking and traditional food. 2. In China, people have noodles. 3. Tom is from the United Kingdom. 4. There is no British cuisine because it includes dishes from various countries. 5. British people often eat beefsteak, fish and chips, and pudding. 6. Habits and traditions of the Brits include using a fork and knife and drinking tea with milk. 7. Tom believes manners matter more than food for politeness.