ГДЗ Зошит Англійська мова 7 клас Мітчелл
Complete the dialogue with the phrases a–e.
1–e; 2–a; 3–c; 4–d; 5–b.
Phil: What are you doing on that ladder?
Grant: I want to get this box down.
Phil: Do you need any help?
Grant: No. (1) e. I think I can manage by myself.
Phil: Are you sure?
Grant: Yes... Hey! (2) Watch out! It's falling.
Phil: (3) c. Ouch!
Grant: I’m sorry. (4) d. Stay put. I’ll go and get the first-aid kit.
Phil: Don’t worry. I'm OK.
Grant Your leg is bleeding. Don't you think you should put a plaster on it?
Phil: (5) b. I suppose so.
Grant: Now. where’s the first aid kit?