ГДЗ Зошит Англійська мова 7 клас Мітчелл
Circle the correct options.
1. When you don’t eat any fruit and vegetables, it can lead to all kinds of health problems. 2. While I was at the beach yesterday, I scratched my foot on a rock and it bled terribly! 3. Stay away from the cooker, kids! I'm boiling some pasta. 4. I’m considering taking a first aid course next month at the community centre. What do you think? 5. The most common reason people feel sleepy during the day is lack of sleep, of course! 6. Today I did some research online for a project I’m doing on the world’s oceans. 7. If you go on a diet and exercise, you will definitely lose some weight before the summer. 8. I was ill last week and missed school, so now I'm trying to catch up with all the homework.