ГДЗ Зошит Англійська мова 7 клас Мітчелл
Complete the dialogue with the phrases/sentences a–e.
1–e; 2–b; 3–d; 4–a; 5–c.
Operator: Which service? Fire, police or ambulance?
Tina: (1) e. Ambulance. Quick! Send an ambulance! Call handler: Ambulance emergency. Where do you need the ambulance to be sent? Tina: (2) b. My house. My brother fell down the stairs. Call handler: What’s your exact address? Tina: (3) d. 36 Bradbury Road. Call handler: Is your brother conscious? Tina: (4) a. I don’t think so. He’s not talking to me. What should I do? Call handler: Don’t panic. Tina: (5) c. You must hurry. He’s injured and I don’t know what to do. Call handler: OK, Just don’t move him. An ambulance will be there shortly.