ГДЗ Зошит Англійська мова 7 клас Мітчелл
E. Make sentences using the Present Simple or Present Progressive. 1. Jordan enjoys playing basketball. 2. Derek is not waking up early at the weekend. 3. These days Louis is training for the competition. 4. Alex is not having lesson right now. 5. On Sundays Tina spends time flying her drone.
F. Read the email and write T for True or F for False. 1 – T; 2–F; 3–F; 4–F. 1. Carl is really into karate. – True. 2. Billy has a two–hour karate class once a week. – False. 3. All the students in the karate lesson are very outgoing. – False. 4. Billy isn’t tired after his karate class. – False.
F. Read the email and write T for True or F for False. 1 – T; 2–F; 3–F; 4–F. 1. Carl is really into karate. – True. 2. Billy has a two–hour karate class once a week. – False. 3. All the students in the karate lesson are very outgoing. – False. 4. Billy isn’t tired after his karate class. – False.