
ГДЗ Зошит Англійська мова 7 клас Мітчелл

ГДЗ Зошит Англійська мова 7 клас Мітчелл

Look at Molly’s plans for the weekend. Then complete the dialogues. 1. A: What is Molly doing on Saturday morning? B: She is washing her bike and then she is having a picnic in the park. 2. A: What time is she playing chess with Helen? B: They are playing at 3 p.m. 3. A: Is she meeting Laura at the skatepark? B: No. they are meeting at the cafe. 4. A: Is Molly going jogging on Sunday morning? B: No, she isn’t. She's going swimming. 5. A: Who is she having lunch with on Sunday? B: Her grandmother. 6. A: What is she doing on Sunday evening? B: She is cleaning the house and then she is finishing her homework.