ГДЗ Зошит Англійська мова 7 клас Мітчелл
Complete the dialogues with the phrases a–e.
1. A: Come on, Tony! Let’s go swimming! The weather is perfect!
B: No, that’s not for me. I don’t like swimming. I can sit on the beach and watch.
2. A: Dad, let’s go to the zoo this Saturday! What do you think?
B: I think it’s a great idea! Sure!
3. A: Oh. no! I forgot the tickets!
B: You’re joking!
A: I’m serious. Maybe someone has got two extra tickets we can
4. A: I’m thinking of joining the chess club, but I’m not sure.
B: Go on. You love chess!
5. A: Look! My white T–shirt is dirty! I’m never wearing white again!
B: That’s for sure. You should be careful!