ГДЗ зошит тести Англійська мова 7 клас Карпюк
2. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. New Year’s Day starts at midnight. 2. Mary gave birth to Jesus. 3. Anita’s birthday is on 2nd May. 4. This huge present belongs to Andrew. 5. He came out of the room in shiny black shoes. 6. Fred has smashed all the plates and cups. 7. Wendy always makes crackers for Christmas. 8. A Christmas tree is often put near a fireplace.
1. New Year’s Day starts at midnight. 2. Mary gave birth to Jesus. 3. Anita’s birthday is on 2nd May. 4. This huge present belongs to Andrew. 5. He came out of the room in shiny black shoes. 6. Fred has smashed all the plates and cups. 7. Wendy always makes crackers for Christmas. 8. A Christmas tree is often put near a fireplace.