ГДЗ зошит тести Англійська мова 7 клас Карпюк
1. Put the words into the correct order to make sentences and questions.
1. A Christmas tree is picked. 2. I am not invited to this dinner. 3. Is everything done yet? 4. Are the decorations put here? 5. What is hidden in that box? 6. When is this holiday celebrated? 7. By whom are these biscuits made? 8. Why is this already opened?
1. Put the words into the correct order to make sentences and questions.
1. A Christmas tree is picked. 2. I am not invited to this dinner. 3. Is everything done yet? 4. Are the decorations put here? 5. What is hidden in that box? 6. When is this holiday celebrated? 7. By whom are these biscuits made? 8. Why is this already opened?