
ГДЗ зошит граматика Англійська мова 7 клас Карпюк

ГДЗ зошит граматика Англійська мова 7 клас Карпюк

a) Choose a or b.
1. If you visit a doctor, (b) you are given some treatment. Fact.
2. If you go to the chemist’s, (a) please get me these pills. Request.
3. If you have a sore throat, (a) don’t eat anything spicy. Piece of advice.
4. Go to bed (b) if you are tired. Piece of advice.
5. Please help me (b) if I ask you. Request.
6. You get a stomachache (a) if you eat something not fresh. Fact.
b) Say which sentence is a fact/piece of advice/request.