
ГДЗ зошит граматика Англійська мова 7 клас Карпюк

ГДЗ зошит граматика Англійська мова 7 клас Карпюк

Give your own answers to the questions below.

1. Had you had a shower before going to bed last night? – Yes, I had. I had a shower before going to bed.
2. Had you finished your homework by 6 pm yesterday? – No, I hadn’t. I finished my homework after 6 pm.
3. Had your friends met you before school last Monday? – Yes, they had. My friends met me before school last Monday.
4. Had it got dark by 7 pm two days ago? – Yes, it had. It got dark by 7 pm.
5. Had anyone called you before dinner last Sunday? – No, they hadn’t. No one called me before dinner.
6. Had you prepared well before all your tests last time? – Yes, I had. I prepared well before all my tests.
7. Had your parents come back home from work by 8 pm yesterday? – Yes, they had. My parents came back home by 8 pm.
8. Had your teacher given you any tasks until the lesson was over? – No, she hadn’t. My teacher hadn’t given us any tasks until the lesson was over.