ГДЗ Зошит Англійська мова 7 клас Мітчелл
Circle the correct words.
1. A: What do you drink for breakfast? Milk or tea?
B: Milk. But I drink plenty of tea during the day. What about you?
A: Well. I hate tea, but I drink a little milk every day. How much tea do you drink?
B: Maybe three cups a day. I drink lots of water too.
A: Oh. That’s good.
2. A: I love salads. I always include them in my diet.
B: How much salads do you eat a week?
A: Oh. I eat a salad every day.
B: Really? I don’t eat many salads. I only have one once or twice a week.
A: You should eat more. Salads are really good for you.
3. A: How much sugar would you like in your tea?
B: Oh. I like a little sugar in my tea. I’m not a big fan of sweet tea.
A: Is this OK?
B: Oh, no. That’s too much sugar.