ГДЗ Зошит Англійська мова 7 клас Мітчелл
Complete the emails with the sentences a–f.
Hi everyone,
(1) а) Are you doing anything this Saturday evening? I am planning a get–together at my house and I would really like you to come. My mum is making Peruvian food. Come over any time after 7 p.m. (2) f) I hope you can make it!
Hi Tracey, Peruvian food? (3) c) How can I say no? It's my favourite! I have tennis practice till 7.30, so I'll come then. (4) b) I'm really looking forward to your get–together.
Hello Tracey, (5) e) I'm sorry but I’ve got other plans. My parents and I are going away for the weekend. (6) d) Maybe some other time. Have fun at the get–together!