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Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. Wendy: Hey. Tina. What are you up to? Tina: Well, my aunt and I love travelling abroad. This year, we want to go somewhere where we can go skiing, so I'm looking for information online! Wendy: Why don’t you (1) go on a trip to France then? Tina: Great ideal I can (2) book a trip to France online! Wendy: I went with my parents last year. Tina: You're joking I Wendy: I'm not! It was fun! Need any help? Tina: Yes. please. Which ski resort did you (3) stay at? Wendy: I don't remember the name. It's a great resort though. It’s close to a lot of restaurants, so you can (4) try some local food, and there are many small shops where you can (5) buy souvenirs. Tina: Can you do me a favour and ask your mum for the name of the resort? Wendy: No problem! Tina: Thanks. Now. I probably need to find my passport. Can you (6) hand me that bag over there, please?