ГДЗ Зошит Англійська мова 7 клас Мітчелл
A. Unscramble the letters to make words.
1 – unusual; 2 – relaxing; 3 – peaceful; 4 – pretty; 5 – incredible.
B. Match to make phrasal verbs. Then complete the sentences
1–6. 1–b; 2–a; 3–d; 4–f; 5–e; 6–c.
1. check - b. in. 2. look - a. around. 3. give - d. up. 4. look - f. for. 5. set - e. off. 6. find – c. out. 1. I can't find my keys. Can you help me look for them, please? 2. This is our hotel. Let’s check in! 3. My uncle set off for Leeds yesterday morning. 4. There are a lot of great souvenirs in this shop. Let's look around. 5. I can't finish this puzzle. I give up! 6. If you want to find out more about Rome, you should check the Internet.