
ГДЗ Зошит Англійська мова 7 клас Карпюк (2024)

ГДЗ Зошит Англійська мова 7 клас Карпюк (2024)

a) Match.
1. chest – the upper front part of the body, between the neck and the stomach;
2. injection – an act of putting medicine into someone’s body with a needle;
3. pain – a sharp uncomfortable feeling in a certain part of the body;
4. to suffer – to have an unpleasant feeling or difficulty;
5. X–ray – a photograph of a part of the body to see if anything is wrong;
b) Make your sentences with the words above.
1. I have a pain in my chest and the feeling is awful. 2. My brother is afraid of injections. 3. You need to take pills if you have a terrible pain. 4. My granny suffers from a headache. 5. It is necessary to do an X–ray once a year.