ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас Карпюк (2024)
a) Read the questions about Thanksgiving Day and match them to the answers below.
1. Is the holiday celebrated all over the world? –
2. Is it a family holiday? – Yes, it is. Families meet and give thanks to God for the blessings received during the year.
3. Did the first Thanksgiving festival take place in the 18th century? – No, it didn’t. On December 16,1620, after a long voyage on the ship called the ‘Mayflower’, a group of English settlers known as the Pilgrims landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts. They set up a colony. The first dreadful winter killed about half the members of the colony. The Indians helped the Pilgrims survive the harsh winter. They taught them how to farm, hunt and fish in the New World. So the Pilgrims had a dinner party to celebrate their first harvest. They invited the Indians to join them. The celebration lasted three days.
4. Was that the official beginning of the festival? – No, it isn’t. Only in the USA and Canada.
5. Do Americans eat roast turkey with cranberry sauce and sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving? – Yes, they do. They also eat pumpkin pie, corn, peas and gravy.
6. Do they watch parades and football on this day? – Yes, they do. Parades are held all over the country. The most famous one is Macy’s Parade. (‘Macy’s’ is a famous department store in New York.)