
ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас Карпюк (2024)

ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас Карпюк (2024)

Put as many wh–questions to each sentence as possible.

1. This costume is worn at Halloween.
– Which costume is worn at Halloween?
– When is this costume worn?
– Where is this costume worn?
2. Easter is celebrated in May this year.
– Which holiday is celebrated in May this year?
– When is Easter celebrated this year?
– What is celebrated in May this year?
3. Presents are prepared before holidays.
– Which presents are prepared before holidays?
– When are presents prepared?
– What are prepared before holidays?
4. Surprises are arranged to make people happy.
– What is arranged to make people happy?
– Why are surprises arranged?
– Who arranges surprises to make people happy?
5. Our decorations are often chosen by Jessica.
– Which decorations are often chosen by Jessica?
– Who often chooses our decorations?
– How often are our decorations chosen by Jessica?
6. Lenny’s cake is put on that table.
– Which cake is put on that table?
– Who puts Lenny’s cake on that table?
– Where is Lenny’s cake put?