Відповіді Англійська мова 9 клас Карпюк 2017. ГДЗ
2. Put a name to each of these sciences.
a) Physics; b) Biology; c) Math; d) Geology; e) Engineering; f) Astronomy; g) Chemistry; h) Botany; i) Zoology; j) Microbiology.
3. Match the inventions and discoveries with the people and dates and write sentences about inventions/discoveries using the Passive Voice.
1. The first calculating machine was invented by Charles Babbage in 1812. 2. Electric current was discovered by Thomas Edison in 1879. 3. A petrol driven car was invented by Karl Benz in 1885. 4. The law of gravitation was discovered by Isaak Newton in 1665. 5. The electric light bulb was invented by Michael Faradey in 1825.
a) Physics; b) Biology; c) Math; d) Geology; e) Engineering; f) Astronomy; g) Chemistry; h) Botany; i) Zoology; j) Microbiology.
3. Match the inventions and discoveries with the people and dates and write sentences about inventions/discoveries using the Passive Voice.
1. The first calculating machine was invented by Charles Babbage in 1812. 2. Electric current was discovered by Thomas Edison in 1879. 3. A petrol driven car was invented by Karl Benz in 1885. 4. The law of gravitation was discovered by Isaak Newton in 1665. 5. The electric light bulb was invented by Michael Faradey in 1825.