Відповіді Англійська мова 9 клас Карпюк 2017. ГДЗ
Unit 1. WHO ARE YOU?
Copy the form below. Listen to the interview with Meryem again and complete it.
Personal details. Title: Ms. First name(s): Meryem; Surname: Ylmatz; Nationality: Turkey; Occupation: chemist; Date of birth: 2nd of June, 1980; Gender: Female; No. of dependants: 2; Marital status: Married; Contact details. House number: 55; Street: Gleason; Town / City Postcode: London / NW197GH; Telephone / email. Tel. no: (daytime) (evening). Mobile: 07784593162; Email: meryem.yilmaz@abc.com.
Personal details. Title: Ms. First name(s): Meryem; Surname: Ylmatz; Nationality: Turkey; Occupation: chemist; Date of birth: 2nd of June, 1980; Gender: Female; No. of dependants: 2; Marital status: Married; Contact details. House number: 55; Street: Gleason; Town / City Postcode: London / NW197GH; Telephone / email. Tel. no: (daytime) (evening). Mobile: 07784593162; Email: meryem.yilmaz@abc.com.