Відповіді Англійська мова 9 клас Карпюк 2017. ГДЗ
a) Say what comes to your mind when you think of Scottish, Welsh, English and Irish people.
Scottish people are proud. They wear kilts. They work in tourism and agriculture. They live in Scotland. Welsh people are friendly and love music. They wear traditional costumes. They work in mining and agriculture. They live in Wales. English people are diverse. They wear variety of modern clothes. They work in finance, education, and technology. They live in England. Irish people are known for their warmth and storytelling. They wear traditional attire. They work in agriculture and tourism. They live in Ireland.
b) Look at the pictures and describe which country the people in the pictures are from.
Picture 1 → Scotland.
Picture 2 → England.
Picture 3 → Wales.
Picture 4 → Northern Ireland.