
ГДЗ зошит граматика Англійська мова 7 клас Карпюк

ГДЗ зошит граматика Англійська мова 7 клас Карпюк

Put wh–questions in the Present Simple Passive to the answers below.

1. Which, dt ss is made of cotton? – This one. This dress is made of cotton.
2. When is Ukraine’s Independence Day celebrated?? – On 24th August. Ukraine’s Independence Day is celebrated then.
3. By whom is this event organized? – This event is organised by Harry because it is special.
4. Who is offered a great deal? – Helen is. She is offered a great deal.
5. By whom are these pictures taken? – By Mike. These pictures are taken by him.
6. Whose earrings are lost? – Ann’s. Ann’s earrings are lost.
7. Where is your anniversary celebrated? – At this restaurant. Our anniversary is celebrated there.
8. Which animals are allowed to stay here? – Animals. They are allowed to stay here.