
ГДЗ зошит граматика Англійська мова 7 клас Карпюк

ГДЗ зошит граматика Англійська мова 7 клас Карпюк
3. Put wh–questions to the answers.
1. What are you doing? – I’m dancing. 2. When does the concert start? – The concert starts at 7 pm. 3. Who sings well? – Bill does. He sings well. 4. How is she doing? – Fine. She’s doing just fine. 5. Which computer is broken? – This one. This computer is broken. 6. When are they leaving? – On Sunday. They are leaving then. 7. Why is Riley crying? – Riley is crying because she is sad. 8. Where is the gym? – In Baker Street. The gym is there.