
ГДЗ Зошит Англійська мова 7 клас Мітчелл

ГДЗ Зошит Англійська мова 7 клас Мітчелл

Complete the dialogue with the phrases given.

Jane: What’s that noise? It’s so loud!
Penny: Oh. that’s my brother! He’s playing the video game our friends bought us for our birthdays!
Jane: You don’t sound that happy about it! (1) d. What's the matter with you?
Penny: Well. I’m just tired of all this noise! He plays it all day long and he doesn't wear his headphones because they are broken.
Jane: I don't get it. I thought you used to play that game with him! What happened? Tell me! (2) b. Now you’re talking!
Penny: Well, we read this article in school about TV addicts and I think I am a video game addict! So, I promised myself that for a week I won't play any video games!
Jane: That's great! How is it going?
Penny: Not well! I dream about video games!
Jane: (3) a. You’ve lost it! Come on! Let’s go for a walk in the park! It will clear your mind and you won’t hear that noise any more!
Penny: (4) c. I’m all ears. Thank you! You are the best!