
ГДЗ Зошит Англійська мова 7 клас Карпюк (2024)

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ГДЗ Зошит Англійська мова 7 клас Карпюк (2024)

Discuss the questions in groups of 3–4.

What is good and bad about travelling? – Travelling is a good thing as you have opportunity to see something new and develop your outlook, it also brings a lot of positive emotions. The only negative thing is that it takes much money.
Where do you like to travel more: abroad or in Ukraine? Why? – I like to travel abroad and Ukraine. Every country has its special places to see.
How do you prepare for a trip? – I usually look through the Internet and look for places which I would like to see while being in definite city or country.
What places have you been to? – I have been to many places. I visited different countries such as Scotland, Turkey, Egypt, Spain, Sri Lanka and of course different cities in Ukraine.
What places do you want to visit? – I would like to travel to England and visit all places of interest there.