ГДЗ Зошит Англійська мова 7 клас Карпюк (2024)
1. Sort out the words from the box into the Cinema or Theatre column. Add any others that you know.
Сinema |
Theatre |
Screen, trailers (film ads), seats, movie, popcorn, 3D glasses, cola, modern design. |
Curtain, stage, seats, lights, play, balconies, classic design. |
2. Read the sentences and write cinema or theatre.
1. I would like to watch a film at the new cinema. 2. Helen likes live effects, so she prefers theatre. 3. We always buy popcorn when we’re at the cinema. 4. People aren’t allowed to eat or drink at the theatre. 5. Jim prefers a seat on the balcony when he’s at the theatre. 6. The screen at this cinema is the biggest one I’ve ever seen!