ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас Мітчелл
Circle the correct words.
1. You should be more active and not waste your time playing computer games all day. 2. I can’t stand it when there are too many remote controls on TV! 3. A lot of people do water sports in the summer. 4. It is essential that we finish this project today. 5. I tried to persuade him to be more careful, but it was useless. 6. Apart from John, everyone else is going to Tim’s party on Saturday. 7. My older sister never shares her clothes with me. She’s so selfish! 8. The hike was cancelled because of the rain. 9. I can’t come to the park right now. I’m watching an episode of my favourite TV show. 10. It didn’t cross my mind that Steve might be at Pete’s house.