ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас Мітчелл
Read the dialogues and complete them with the words in the box. Then listen and check your answers.
1. Operator: Which service? Fire, police or ambulance?
Mrs Miggins: Police, please.
Call handler: Metropolitan Police. Where are you calling from?
Mrs Miggins: You must hurry! It's an emergency! The burglar is getting away and my husband is chasing him.
Call handler: Calm down, madam. What's your address?
Mrs Miggins: 99 Pogsville Avenue, near Lindon Park and my name’s Mary Miggins.
Call handler: OK, wait for the police car. It’s on its way.
2. Operator: Which service? Fire, police or ambulance?
Donna: Fire brigade, please.
Call handler: Fire emergency. Where do you need the fire engine to be sent?
Donna: 32 Briset Street.
Call handler: Where’s the fire?
Donna: In our flat. It’s flat 9. The curtains caught fire, but we can’t put it out. And the alarm didn’t go off. We’ve evacuated the building and notified the other residents as well.
Call handler: OK, stay away from the building. The firefighters will be there shortly.