ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас Мітчелл
3. Match the two halves of sentences. 1. We might go surfing on Saturday b. if it’s windy. 2. Unless we leave the house early, a. we won’t get to the concert hall on time. 3. I won’t speak to you again c. if you don’t apologise to me. 4. If you find the weather app, d. please download it for me.
5. Listen to the dialogues and choose a, b or c. 1. When will it snow? c. FRIDAY. 2. What will the weather be on Sunday? b. thunder storm.
5. Listen to the dialogues and choose a, b or c. 1. When will it snow? c. FRIDAY. 2. What will the weather be on Sunday? b. thunder storm.