ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас Мітчелл
2. Listen. What do you think the words in bold mean?
Bitter – гіркий; sweet – солодкий; greasy – жирний; crispy – хрусткий; creamy – кремовий, вершковий; juicy – соковитий; bland – пісний; tasteless – без смаку; spicy – гострий; mouth–watering – апетитний; fresh – свіжий; salty – солоний.
3. Circle the correct words.
1. Would you like another slice of cake? 2. I’m sorry. There's no orange juice. Would you like something else? 3. We can go to the Chinese restaurant some other day. 4. This supermarket is too expensive. Why don’t you go to the other supermarket on Park Street? 5. Anybody in my class likes football.
Bitter – гіркий; sweet – солодкий; greasy – жирний; crispy – хрусткий; creamy – кремовий, вершковий; juicy – соковитий; bland – пісний; tasteless – без смаку; spicy – гострий; mouth–watering – апетитний; fresh – свіжий; salty – солоний.
3. Circle the correct words.
1. Would you like another slice of cake? 2. I’m sorry. There's no orange juice. Would you like something else? 3. We can go to the Chinese restaurant some other day. 4. This supermarket is too expensive. Why don’t you go to the other supermarket on Park Street? 5. Anybody in my class likes football.