ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас Мітчелл
4d All about video games
1. Match the words 1–6 with their definitions a–f. Then listen and check your answers.
1. gamer – d. a person who plays games. 2. game controller – a. an electronic device which is used to control a character or object in – a game. 3. score – b. the number of points a player gets. 4. avatar – f. an image that represents a person in a game 5. multiplayer game – c. a game which more than one player can play at the same time. 6. graphics – e. the photos, drawings or other images in a game.
1. Match the words 1–6 with their definitions a–f. Then listen and check your answers.
1. gamer – d. a person who plays games. 2. game controller – a. an electronic device which is used to control a character or object in – a game. 3. score – b. the number of points a player gets. 4. avatar – f. an image that represents a person in a game 5. multiplayer game – c. a game which more than one player can play at the same time. 6. graphics – e. the photos, drawings or other images in a game.