
ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас Карпюк (2024)

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ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас Карпюк (2024)

Match the questions to the answers.

1 – c; 2 – d; 3 – e; 4 – f; 5 – a; 6 – b.
1. What can we do in Kyiv? – c. Well, we can visit some theatres there.
2. What is Madame Tussaud’s? – d. It is a very famous wax museum.
3. What is there to see in London? – e. The London Eye, Trafalgar Square, Big Ben.
4. What do I need to take with me? – f. Your passport, of course!
5. What is interesting about Wales? – a. It didn’t have a capital city for a long time.
6. What places would you like to visit? – b. The Dark Hedges and the Giant’s Causeway.