ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас Карпюк (2024)
Listen again and choose a or b.
1–a; 2–b; 3–b; 4–b; 5–b; 6–b; 7–a; 8–b.
1. Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart had the Leading roles in the film “Twilight”. (a). 2. Robert plays the guitar and sings. (b). 3. Kristen’s acting talents were noticed in an elementary school Christmas play. (b). 4. Kristen spends her holidays in Australia. (b). 5. Robert started acting when he was twelve. (b). 6. Robert likes darts and football. (b). 7. Kristen played in Panic Room with Jodie Foster. (a). 8. Robert played Salvador Dali in ‘Little Ashes’. (b).